When Should You SHUT DOWN Your Mac – MacBook Tips


Do you shut down your Mac every? The time did you stop using it? If your answer is yes, well, you should probably stop doing that. In fact, if you are constantly shutting down your Mac. You might actually be doing more harm than good, and may even experience slowness and decreased performance. It may also decrease the life of your battery if you have a laptop. In this article, we learn some MacBook Tips which will help you to keep your Mac in good health.

MacBook Tips

Shutting down does several things to your Mac. Firstly, it flushes your RAM of all data this can be good in some situations but more often than not, it’s completely unnecessary. Flushing your RAM means that when you restart your computer and start Loading up programs again, it’s going to take a lot longer than usual and they will.

1. Multitask Efficiently:

Not perform at optimum levels until you have been using them for a while and relevant data is loaded back into RAM after a restart, all the temporary data. That was being stored in RAM and allows you to multitask efficiently, such as program settings, background tasks, or web pages that need to be reloaded. Mac OS manages its RAM very efficiently. So there’s no need to constantly flush your RAM, and you should do it via a restart only if you are experiencing system slowness or other issues.

2. Stress on The Components:

Shutting down and then turning on a computer puts a small amount of stress on the components, such as the internal drive, motherboard, and power supply. When turning on a computer, a post or power-on self-test sequence will run that tests all components of the computer and checks for issues. This test in itself is not stressful, but it’s happening several times a day, every day for years and years. It may start to add up and increase wear on system components.

3. Result of Constantly Shutting Down:

The most noticeable result of constantly shutting down your computer is that you need to wait for it to turn back on. These days, especially with laptops featuring a solid-state drive or SSD, the restart process is very quick, but nonetheless, it takes far longer than simply waking the. Computer from sleep over the course of several years. This could add up to days and days of lost time from simply waiting until your computer turns off or turns back on again.

Let’s move on to why simply putting. Your Mac, desktop, or MacBook to sleep is better for both you and your computer. Firstly, it’s just so much faster, than can open the screen of a MacBook air and instantly back to work. With all my draft emails, web pages, Word documents, and other files open and ready to go. When using Mac make sure either put it to sleep using the Apple menu on a desktop Mac or simply close the screen.

On my MacBook, which will automatically put. It is to sleep while sleeping. Your Mac actually does quite a lot of really important stuff in the background. For example, it will run maintenance tasks. Scripts to clean up the operation system and fix any minor software errors. That may have occurred during your use. It will also index files for searching. This will happen every time you add. Remove, rename, or move folders and files on your Mac. This is such an important process, especially.

4. Increased Startup Times:

If you often use the spotlight to search your computer for files. Your Mac generally will not perform any of these tasks while it’s turned on and being used because these tasks may impact your usage if you are shutting down your Mac straight after you’ve finished using it, these tasks may simply never have time to run. The end result being your Mac becomes slower and slower. At the very least, it will result in increased startup times. If you’ve set up your time machine backups, your Mac will also try to.

Perform these while sleeping in addition, every so often it may. Also, wait for a few seconds to connect to the network to refresh emails and things like Imessages. If you are on a recent version of. Mac OS, this all happens automatically. There’s no need to go into the settings and change anything. If you’re on a desktop Mac, you can set up a hot corner so that when you move your mouse into a particular corner of the. The screen will automatically put the computer to sleep.

Now, don’t think that your Mac is going to be running all night. Sucking up power during these tasks. Generally, it only takes a few minutes. And then your Mac goes into deep hibernation, drawing only a very tiny fraction of power from the battery for MacBooks or the electrical outlet for desktop Macs. For reference, the difference between shutting down. A Mac at the end of the. Day versus just letting it sleep is. Barely a dollar a year in electricity for MacBooks. There is another great benefit of sleep mode.

Apple laptops use lithium-ion batteries, which require. A slow discharge to get the maximum. Lifespan out of them. Letting the laptop discharge, which is letting the battery run down, will keep the electrons moving, which maintains the charge capacity and will prolong the life of your battery. The battery will not do this the MacBook is fully shut down. We also recommend not leaving your MacBook plugged into its charge 24/7.

MacBook Tips Conclusion:

Lastly, the Mac operating system, otherwise known as macOS, is based on Unix. Unix is world-famous for extraordinary reliability and stability. It runs perfectly for continuous periods of time and is able to perform a lot of internal maintenance on its own software to remedy any issues and keep the system running effectively. So how often should you shut down your Mac? only shut down my Mac if experience issues on macOS for example programs freeze or crash the system is very slow.

Nine times out of ten, a simple. A restart will fix whatever the issue is. If you had to estimate, only shut down Mac every few weeks and it’s usually because you installed a Mac OS or app update that requires a restart. If you are going to be traveling, however, for example through an airport or leaving your MacBook at home for a few weeks and not using it, shut it down fully. For shorter trips such as going from home to school, just leave it in sleep mode. That’s everything you need to know about why you shouldn’t shut down your Mac all the time. It’s much better to simply let it sleep.


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