We are going to look at how to achieve a Google pagespeed insights score of 100 on the WordPress website. Now, contrary to what you might be thinking, this has nothing to do with your website site host. So if it isn’t hosting that gives you a good page View Insight score, then what is it? Well, it’s a combination of factors, including the theme that you choose and just three plugins that fall into the following categories caching, image optimization, and cutting the fat.
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In this article, we walk you through the plugins that I have installed on my website and point to other videos which will give you the exact settings for those plugins that I use as well. So if you’re interested in speeding up your WordPress website, let’s get right into it. When we talk about plugins in a bit, you’ll find out that a lot of the potential blow of a poorly written plugin can either be cached in memory or filtered out entirely. Now, keep that in mind, especially if you already have a WordPress theme picked out.
Now, there are three types of plugins that pretty much every WordPress website should have. Again, those are caching, image optimization, and cutting the fat. Let’s start with caching plugin to use and recommend is W3 Total Cache.
1. W3 Total Cache:
The free version of this plugin will get you essentially 90% of the way towards a perfect page feed inside score through a combination of minification and page caching. If you’re not familiar, minification is the process of removing unnecessary content from HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files. This reduces the size of your web pages and allows them to be sent across the internet faster. Page caching, on the other hand, is a method of serving a stored copy of a web page, rather than having each page regenerate it every time a visitor requests it.
2. Cut The Fat (Permatters):
A lot of you are probably wondering what I mean by saying cuts the fat. There are often times poorly written plugins and themes that add extra bloat to our web pages. Even WordPress itself is guilty of doing this. And I mean, to be fair, a lot of times these are just features that you probably aren’t using and just need a way to turn them off. So that’s where perf matters come into the picture. And this plugin does a fantastic job of allowing you to disable and turn off unused or unnecessary features that simply add bloat to your web pages.
The Script Manager, literally allows you to disable individual CSS and JavaScript files from being loaded alongside your web pages. By doing this, you were able to cut the number of requests on my home page in half from 33 to 17 and reduce the size of this page by 84% from 1.8megabytes to just 288KB.

3. Image Optimization (EWWW IO):
This is extremely important because images are the single biggest resource on your web page, and when you don’t take the proper steps to convert, resize, and compress your images, your page load times will suffer significantly. Now, that sounds like a lot of work, and it honestly is if you choose to do it manually.
But thanks to a plugin called Ewww Image Optimizer, all you have to do is configure the plugin once, and then any future images that you upload to your website will automatically be converted, resized, and compressed for you. In fact, in addition to compressing your images, this plugin will actually generate multiple different sizes of your images from big to small, so that someone on a laptop with a big screen will get a higher resolution image, while someone on a cellphone with a small screen will get a much smaller image.
If you’re familiar with Google Page Feed Insights that you’ve seen something about serving your images in the next Gen format. Eww will also convert your PNGs and JPEGs to the Next Gen WebP image format so that you’re in compliance with Google’s Recommendation. Without any of these plugins website’s Page Feed Insight Score is a measly 40, but by installing these plugins and limiting the total number of plugins installed on my WordPress website to be less than 10.