Best Windows 11 Features: Task Manager, Android Apps and Widgets


Microsoft recently released a new build for the Windows Insiders Dev channel, Build 22557. This build has many new features, including redesigned Task Manager with Efficiency Mode. Folders in the Start menu, new Focus, Live captioning, and changes in the Quick Access and Snap layout. In this article, you will see all the new Windows 11 Features Build 22557.

1. New Task Manager with Efficiency Mode:

Microsoft has redesigned the Task Manager to match the Windows 11 theme. Now it supports the Dark mode. If you turn on the Dark Mode on your Windows 11, you can see it has a dark appearance. Previously, they had introduced Dark Mode and Notepad also, you can now see the menus are appearing as tabs with icons. When you compact the Task Manager, it will only show the icons.

Windows 11 Features

However, it’s not entirely redesigned. As you can see the old Windows 10 interface of the Task Manager within the new interface, though, you will see a new feature called Efficiency Mode. This feature is helpful if any of the processes consume heavy resources and make your system slow. You can turn it on and the windows will limit the resource consumption for that process. You can see a separate button for running the new Tasks. Earlier, you had to go to the File menu for that.

2. Pinned folders in Start menu:

The next new feature of Build 22557 is to group the icons in the folder on the Start menu. To create a folder, you have to drag an app and drop it onto another. Then you can add more apps to that folder. You cannot name or rename the folder now, but in future builds, Microsoft may also include this feature.

Windows 11 Features

In the previous Insider build, Microsoft had already introduced the feature of reducing or increasing the recommended section space. You can see it by going to the Start setting. There are three options, more Pins, default, and more recommendations. Microsoft is slowly improving all the aspects of Windows 11. You might see these features in the upcoming versions of Windows 11.

3. Focus Assist is now – Focus and Do Not Disturb:

Microsoft has changed the functionality of the Focus Assist in this build. It is now renamed Focus and it is attached to the Clock app. The Focus feature allows you to run a Focus session with a timer and calming music. You can link your Microsoft account to see the Todo list and link the Spotify to listen to the podcast or music during your Focus session. You can also run the Focus section directly from the notification panel.

Windows 11 Features

While it is running, you can see a small window with the Stop button. You can stop the Focus session or expand it to see the details. You will not see the Focus Assist in the Quick Settings panel as it is renamed and relocated. If you just want to disable the notification, you get the Do Not Disturb option, which can be enabled from the Notification panel located on the top side and you can customize it from the Notification settings.

4. Windows 11 Features Pin files in File Explorer:

Earlier you could only pin the folders in Quick Access, but now you can pin the files in Quick Access from this build. This is extremely useful for people who often use particular files. They can now directly open them without opening a folder. You can now see your OneDrive usage on File Explorer. If you click on the OneDrive folder, you will see a small arrow. If you click on it, it displays the One drive usage statistics.

5. Windows 11 Features Live captions:

This is the new and useful feature of Windows 11 build 22557. The Live captions analyze the audio coming from your output devices and then captions it on your screen. This is extremely useful for people who cannot listen or understand a particular accent or don’t have any sound output devices. In these cases, you can turn it on by pressing Windows + Control + L key.

Windows 11 Features Live captions

When you turn it on for the first time, it will download the required speech model to enable the OnDevice captioning, you will see the text of the spoken content on your screen. If the user shell value in the registry is changed, you will see the black screen with the cursor on your Windows 11. An infection could alter this value, so you should check it.

  • Press the Control + Alt + Delete buttons
  • Select Task Manager
  • Click on the File menu
  • Run New Task.
Windows 11 Features

You can place it on the top or bottom of your screen or in a floating window. The captions can be resized and you can personalize their appearance. The Live captions understand English US content and they can be used on the Live microphone, which will be helpful in case of person-to-person conversations.

6. Improved Snap Layouts:

Now you can use an easy and interesting way to split the screen. If you drag a window to the top of your screen, you will see the Snap layouts. To snap it quickly, just drop the window onto the zone where you want to put your window. Then next you can select other windows. The snapping animation has also changed and improved. You will now see a smoother movement effect.

7. New Touch Gestures:

Microsoft has introduced new touch gestures for PCs with the touchscreen, you can now swipe to invoke and dismiss the Start menu, then swipe between pinned and all apps recommended, and more. You can also swipe to invoke Quick Settings and swipe to open the Notification panel and make it disappear.

8. Dragging files on the Taskbar:

You can now drag apps from the Start menu to the taskbar to pin them. You can also drag files from Windows and then hover the mouse on the other window on the taskbar to open them and then drop them. If you do this on Outlook email, the file will be attached to your email. To drop a file onto the desktop, you can drag it and then drop it by hovering the mouse on the show desktop located on the very right corner of the taskbar and that’s it. If you have any questions or suggestions, drop them below and share this useful article on Windows 11 Features with your friends.


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